
Flipkart affiliate programe earn Rs. 40 per intall app

Hello viewer , today I am tell about  earn Rs. 40 per install  app through flipkart affiliate programe

If you have flipkart  affiliate programe account  then you  get this  offer deal .Last time I tell about  flipkart affiliate programe  . you don’t  know about  flipkart affiliate programme  clik here


download  flipkart app and install


Follow these step to earn Rs.40 per install app

1 sign up  Flipkart affiliate programe  account

2 after sign up  account  log in flipkart  affiliate programme


3 copy link  for  flipkart install app campaigan   in your  flipkart affiliate programme  dashboard


4  share this url to your friends and ask them to install  app in your android phone                     

    This is good news for android users phone

    Share  this url  in social media  (  facebook , twitter , linkedin , whatsapp  )

 Note :  Fallback  installs mean n user clicks on any affiliate product url  on mobile device    

              ends up installing the app

             Direct install mean when user clicks on your referral link and install the app

Check your earning  report

1  Login your flipkart  affliate  programe

2  go on  report s >  app intall report 





Payment  option  

1         Through  wire transfer to your  bank account

      2         E – gift vouchers  you  can  use  on shopping