
How to hide file in image step by step

Hello friends,  today I will tell about how to hide a file in image. It is known as steganography . it is very easy  technic  to hide your personal data in a image .

Fellow these steps:

1.   first select your file you want to hide


 2.   then create a new folder in your system.    Example  " D:\ file2  "



  3.  now  your file in this floder and create them in zip file using  winrar . you can create  file zip or rar  both .



  4.  choose an image  where you want hide your file




    5. place the  image and  zipped file  into a new  floder


      6.  after that open command prompt 


      7  in command prompt ,   type   D:   and hit enter



     8. In command prompt , you type  cd  command  to change the direction.

          so type   cd  D:\next     and hit enter


      9.  then type in command  prompt,   like this

            Copy  /b  m.jpg       and  hit enter




           you see in command prompt    1 file copied 





     your file hide in image  check  image properties  your image size   increase

     so protect your personal data to your friends. keep enjoy.... 

 Note :     if you want see your hidden file  go winrar and unzip your image .