7.Don’tstudyto earnstudy to learnwhatyou earn todayis what you willbecome tomorrow
8.Youcan’t have a bettertomorrowifyouarestill thinkingaboutyesterday.
9.Bill gates in a restaurant after eating,hegave$5 to thewaiteras a tip. The waiter had a strangefelling on his faceafter the tip.Gates realized & asked. What happened?Waiter :I am just amazedbecauseon thesame table your daughter gave tip of$500andyou his father, richest man in the worldonly gave $5gates smiled & repliedwithmeaningfulwords :- “ she is daughterof theworld’srichestman, but I am the son ofa woodcutter”
10.It’sfinetocelebratesuccessbutit is moreimportanttoheedthelessonoffailure