
how to Setup Custom Domain in Blogger Using Godaddy - Step by step

hello visitors,  last  article   I tell  you   How   to   Buy /  registering   a   Domain name   with  GoDaddy -  step  by step   pictures  .   today   this  article  for  those  who  want  to  Setup  Custom Domain  in  Blogger  using  GoDaddy .

1. Go to  Blogger Dashboard>>Settings>>Basic

2. Now go  to  Publishing>>Blog Address.   Here below you will see a link   “ +Set up a third-party URL for your blog “ .

3. Now here type  the URL   address of the domain you have recently purchased.  .


4. Click on Save

5. After   the   above   step  you will  see an  error as  shown  an example  on  above screenshot. Don’t  cut  the page

Steps for

1. Login to your Godaddy Account and Click on “ My Account “ 

2.  Click on  Manage  my  domain

3.  Now select that domain which you want to modify. 

4.   Click on  “ DNS Zone File ”  Tab

5.  Now  Select  “ Add Record “  option .

6. A  popup  box  will  appear,  fill   these   details to use

    select  “ CNAME (Alisa ) “  Option

   Host  :    www 
   Points to :
   TTL :  1 hour

Save  it

7.   After completing   the above process   now  click   “ Add another    option

8.   again  appear   this  form 

Select  CNAME (Alisa )

See   step  5   error   put    your   unique   code   under  www  in host  option  and point to  option

   Now are done.  

Now  go  back to Blogger and try to save settings again. The registration process takes 24-48 hours, so don't worry if you get an error again. Come again later to Blogger after 24-48 hours, repeat steps Save and   the  error should  be  gone.